Your goals have no chance of succeeding without this.

"We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
- Will Durant

Most of us spent some time as 2025 was beginning setting intentions, choosing a word, and writing goals—to manifest what we want.

As we looked back at our year in review, we may have seen the learning, the growth, the heartache, and heart opening. I know I did.

As we look at this year ahead, we see hope and ideas—wanting to make it the best yet.

All of this is well and good, yet there is more here than setting some goals, making vision boards, and creating a to-do list.

A shift from focusing on what’s happened or what’s coming—one of presence in the current moment.

As I was feeling into the energy of planning and goals and what’s coming, I was also seeing how easy it is to live in the future. Feeling into what’s to come–pulling us out of the present.

So how can we plan and review without living in the past or future?

That’s when this beautiful share by the magical Rich Roll popped up on my Instagram feed. Click here to listen to this clip to help you see how easy it can be:

If you didn’t click, Rich basically says that we can focus on the future and planning and goals, yet we won’t make any of them happen without focusing on the present.

What he shares about is something I know from Charles Duhigg's book, "The Power of Habit" as a Keystone Habit—a focus on a daily routine that can support our goals and allow us to accomplish more by focusing on it daily and staying in the now.

This Keystone Habit has a cascade effect on everything else in your life. It's a commitment to ourselves to return to the present.

For me, as I set a few simple, yet powerful goals for this year along with an intention, I looked back at what worked and didn’t work this past year.

In 2024, I discovered just how foundational my physical body was to maintaining my mental state.

I noticed when I loved on my body with yoga, walks, bike rides, or strength training, my brain stayed more focused and positive. I also noticed that any time I spiraled, if I went to the gym or walked in nature, I felt immediately better.

As I felt into what would support me the most in this new year with my new goals, I knew intuitively that moving my body every day for at least 30 minutes would allow me to have the Keystone Habit for all that I wanted to do otherwise.

This would allow me to keep a more stable mental capacity and accomplish more. It would bring me back to the present moment and give me the energy I needed to be a more stable person.

In order to do this, I would need to ask my body what it needed AND LISTEN.

I started just a few days before the beginning of the year and am on day 15 currently. I’ve already seen the mood-shifting benefits as I haven't once spiraled or stayed in a negative mindset.

The biggest barrier to completing this every day is that I wasn’t taught to put myself first (and I know I’m not the only one.) That this kind of self-focus is SELFISH!

Yet, if we were to do one thing every day that could allow us to remain so present—even for 30 minutes—with ourselves, how much more present could we be with others, our goals and plans, and our lives? These 30 minutes could be the most SELFLESS act of our day!

YOUR TURN: Take a look at your goals, word or phrase, intentions, or resolutions.

Think: “What’s one thing I can do every day this year that would be the building block for everything else?"

Here are some ideas for inspiration:

  • Writing
  • Meditation
  • Dancing
  • Playing a sport
  • Painting/Drawing
  • Walking with a friend
  • Working out
  • Riding a bike
  • Laying on the grass
  • Swimming
  • Reading
  • Sitting quietly
  • Moving your body

Choose one (or make up your own) and try it for a week! See how it supports you and then try another one until you find the one that sticks.

Remember: This one thing will start a cascade effect on everything else you're working on this year.

Let’s make sure this year really IS the best yet–and plan to stay present in every moment together. I’m on this path with you, walking alongside you.

TELL ME: What Keystone Habit will you commit to in 2025 in support of your goals?

JUST REPLY to this email & share what you decided - I wanna know!


PSST. If you enjoyed this message, Dan & I just hosted our first Soul Mixer inside The Brilliant Rebellion. The Replay is available along with ongoing discussions about PRESENCE for the next 10 days, so hop in if you want to be a part of the deeper conversation in true Community.

One Moksha, Inc.
Hama | The Brilliant Rebellion
505 Beachland Blvd. Ste. 1 #143, Vero Beach, FL 32963
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Melanie Spring & Dan Russell

Melanie Spring and Dan Russell are the cofounders of One Moksha, a community of leaders, rebels, and enlightenment seekers who are on a mission to heal and transform into their best selves. Melanie serves as the Leader of the Brilliant Rebellion, where she helps people become more aligned in order to identify and pursue their life’s purpose. Dan serves as the Leader of Hama, where he creates intimate, unique spaces for healing and personal transformation. Together, the Brilliant Rebellion and Hama, and Dan and Melanie, are the yin and yang at One Moksha.

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