I'm a lot. Wanna be a whole lot with me?

I’m A LOT.

No, really. I am a lot. I know it. I’m good with it.

Since I arrived, I have been an overwhelming human to most who encounter me.

I’ve been told that I’m too tall.
That my hair looks ugly.
That I just want to be the center of attention.
That I get up too early.
That I push myself too hard.
That I’m too picky.
That I’m too loud.
That I talk too much.
That I look masculine.
That I’m too hard to love.
I’ve heard it all.

And I’ve repeated other people’s words to myself for far too many years. All of it is someone else’s truth, not mine anymore.

Yet here’s what I know to be true now:
I am a magical human.
I am a work in progress.
I am perfectly made.
I am street smart & well-read.
I am intuitive AF.
I am highly sensitive to energy.
I am careful with who I let in my life.
I am deeply loving.
I am always evolving.
I am relentless in my pursuit of supporting others in their growth.
And I don’t care what anyone thinks of me.

I care SO MUCH about you that I don’t care what you think about me. (I’d have to care that much about you not to people-please you or be less to make you feel comfortable.)

If I’m too much for you, you can go find less.

Yet if you’re like me & you love growing, deeper connections, and becoming more aware of who you really are, I have just the place for you.

Starting in January, The Brilliant Rebellion is an online community for your personal growth with twice-a-month Soul Mixers (1-hour zoom calls) on topics that aren’t discussed in everyday life with questions to go deeper in between.

From presence & death to shame & intimacy, we’ll cover topics you want to talk about in a safe, supportive space that allows for differing views, honesty, and integration.

You can be brand new to growth or a long-time mentor to those on the path to enlightenment—we are all just walking each other home.

Only $49/mo - and our first 50 members will be Founding Rebels, so apply now & know that you’ll have a place to stay accountable to your own growth in 2025. 🔥

You bring your magic & we’ll brings ours.

We’ll be A LOT together.

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505 Beachland Blvd. Ste. 1 #143, Vero Beach, FL 32963
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Melanie Spring & Dan Russell

Melanie Spring and Dan Russell are the cofounders of One Moksha, a community of leaders, rebels, and enlightenment seekers who are on a mission to heal and transform into their best selves. Melanie serves as the Leader of the Brilliant Rebellion, where she helps people become more aligned in order to identify and pursue their life’s purpose. Dan serves as the Leader of Hama, where he creates intimate, unique spaces for healing and personal transformation. Together, the Brilliant Rebellion and Hama, and Dan and Melanie, are the yin and yang at One Moksha.

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