Melanie Spring and Dan Russell are the cofounders of One Moksha, a community of leaders, rebels, and enlightenment seekers who are on a mission to heal and transform into their best selves. Melanie serves as the Leader of the Brilliant Rebellion, where she helps people become more aligned in order to identify and pursue their life’s purpose. Dan serves as the Leader of Hama, where he creates intimate, unique spaces for healing and personal transformation. Together, the Brilliant Rebellion and Hama, and Dan and Melanie, are the yin and yang at One Moksha.
A thought-provoking question from my husband, Dan Russell Am I a narcissist? Last year, I lost a close friendship. Over the course of a few weeks, certain things came to light about this person I loved that were out of alignment with the values I thought they held. Moments that cast a shadow on a personality I had come to trust. Behavior and lies that showed a much more fear-based mentality than that which I thought they had. Comments that sought to make me an enemy rather than have a...
To be seen is to be loved.To love is to see. Have you ever had someone look at you and it felt as if they were seeing your soul? It can feel terribly uncomfortable to sit across from someone who is so present that you know they’re not thinking about where they’re going next or where they just were. They’re just sitting with you. Truly listening. Truly interested in what you’re saying. Think about the last time you went on a “date” (with a stranger, your significant other, your child, or even...
Life gives you plenty of time to do whatever you want to do if you stay in the present moment. - Deepak Chopra WHAT IF there is no tomorrow? WHAT IF there is no yesterday? WHAT IF all we have is right NOW? Most of our lives are spent looking forward to what's next while running away from what's happened or wishing we could change the past. Yet the only moment we truly have is the Infinite Now. Watch this clip from The Brilliant Rebellion's first Soul Mixer where Dan shares about what it means...